Cartoonists Interpret the Current State

Race Dialogue Articles and Blogs

A New Age of Activism

Ever Been Told to ‘Check Your Privilege?’ Here’s What That Really Means

The Problem with Saying ‘All Lives Matter’

Explaining White Privilege to A Broke White Person

My White Boss Talked About Race in America and This is What Happened

Talk Boldly – Today We Have To Talk to Each Other

13 Tweets Explain The Deadly Impact White Privilege Has On Black People

This Photo Of A Black Lives Matter Protester Is Being Hailed As Iconic

Latino Community In Orlando Bands Together In Wake Of Massacre

What Queer Latinos Are Saying About The Orlando Shooting

Atlanta Teens "White Privilege" Poem Goes Viral

How to Handle the Emotions of Racial Injustice While At Work

Michael Eric Dyson’s New York Times op-ed on white privilege and racism in America:

Why White America Demonizes the #BlackLivesMatter Movement — And Why That Must Change

A New Age of Activism - From Eric Garner and Michael Brown to the Ballot Box

The energy pouring into the streets is diffuse and organic, but powerful. But maybe in this moment the exhaling of pain must come before the shaping of policy.

Read Sonia Sotomayor’s Atomic Bomb of a Dissent Slamming Racial Profiling and Mass Imprisonment

Why Eric Garner is the turning point that Ferguson never was. Polls of different reactions to the failure to indict.

The Perfect Victim Pitfall

In this most trying of moments, black men, supported by the people who understand their plight and feel their pain, are saying to the police culture of America, “We can’t breathe!”

10 of the Most Striking Eric Garner Cartoons

The Impact and Lasting Legacy of Ferguson, Missouri and Michael Brown

Moving forward, the hope is that we will create conversations that allow for nuanced, the learning of different legacies, and the connection to our national and global communities.

What Happens Next in the Eric Garner Case:

Summary of Legal Proceedings

Americans Have Not Been This Concerned About Racism in Two Decades

For the first time in more than two decades, a significant portion of Americans named racism the country's most important problem. According to Gallup's latest poll, it's a belief shared by as many as 13% of respondents -- a figure that just sharply rose from the single digits.

10 Reasons #BlackLivesMatter Other Than Police Brutality

When considering the many reasons why Black Lives Matter rightfully deserves to be a part of the conversation, MaseTV Founder/CEO Jeroslyn Johnson, decided to break down 10 of the most important factors that further explain just why the Black Lives Matter movement is of great importance within modern issues in America.

Breaking Myths Around Black Millennials: PART 1

Young, Connected and Black: African-American Millennials Are Driving Social Change and Leading Digital Advancement,

Children and "The Talk"

“Breathe”  What I Told My Son

Still, the truth that black men and women and black kids--girls and boys--are not disposable. We are of value. We are not objects. Breathe. Of course, this is as much a mantra for me as it is instruction to my boy. Breathe, and then let's continue to do the work.

Shielding Children From Talk of Ferguson and Garner

A mother reflects on the lack of charges brought in the police killings in Ferguson, Mo., and on Staten Island, a subject that weighs on many black parents who fear for their children’s safety.

Teaching about Ferguson and Beyond-ADL Resources

Skittles and Race in the Workplace

Ancella Livers writes about the lurking fear of black parents and the fact that office protocol does not allow them to acknowledge the raw wounds that being different can thrust upon them. Instead, "we come quietly to work, do our jobs and try to excel. We stuff many of the ugly realities of our lives deep down into our psyche so they don't interfere with work."

Raising White Children to be Anti-Racist Allies
As a result of recent events, concerned white parents are now asking: "How can we raise our children to be allies to people of color, to help put an end to racism in the United State." Rebecca Hains, Ph.D, a media studies professor art Salem State University, gives five pointers on how to do this.

Black on Black Racism: The Hazards of Implicit Bias 

The author talks about his strong reaction to the results of the Implicit Bias Test and how he trained himself to react evenly to the black and white, positive and negative pairings. "If each of us is willing to recognize out implicit bias and police our actions, there may be hope for the racial aspect of the American experiment after all."

School Segregation: The Continual Tragedy of Ferguson

Michael Brown beat the odds by graduating from high school before his death--odds that remain stacked against black student in St. Louis and the rest of the country.

How to Improve Discussion of Race in the Classroom

Given this continued structural segregation, colleges and workplaces are important sites for cross-racial dialogue because these are the places where we are most likely to encounter people of different races. In The Chronicle of Higher Education, a Professor at Indiana University describes approaches used when seeking a constructive dialogue about race relations.

Making Race Elementary: 5 Ways to Talk to Your Kids About Race and Other Tough Topics

In teaching our children about race, it is also important for us to go internal and grapple with our own "race stuff." and the blinders we can all wear when it comes to thinking and talking about race.

Students See New Hope in Bias Protests

Students say the protest against racial bias in law enforcement have hit a nerve that the "Occupy" movement never did.

Caring for Yourself During Times of Turmoil 

Self-Care In Times Of Black Trauma

A Time to Protest and a Time to Rest

Global Race Issues

The Dutch are slowly recognizing that their blackface tradition of Zwarte Piet is racist and weird

White People and the Conversations About Racial Injustice in America

Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston

What I Said When My White Friend Asked for My Black Opinion on White Privilege

White people, here’s the answer to your first two questions after a black man is killed by police officers

 “Criming While White”

Instead of highlighting incidents of prejudice against people of color, #CrimingWhileWhite quickly zeroed in on white privilege, straight from the mouths of those who know it best.

The Conversation White People Aren’t Having About Ferguson and Racism

"As a white person, it's my responsibility to find a way to stay engaged in the conversation, to sustain my sense of responsibility, even when--especially when--it gets uncomfortable and I feel targeted. Because in the end, it's not about me."

What White People Need to Know and Do After Ferguson

This essay is for every other white person who is well meaning but somehow feels hopelessly polarized in a racially polarized debate. It doesn’t have to be that way

The Unbearable Lightness of Being White

"White people, particularly with class privilege, are policed differently. But acknowledging that doesn’t go nearly far enough. We also have different emotional experiences of the spaces that shape our days: sidewalks, classrooms, airports. Our “hijinks” are Latinos’ priors. Our overwhelm is a poor woman’s negligence. Our funny stories may be black men’s last breaths."

Dear White People: Your Discomfort is Progress
A black person and a white person started a conversation about how to have "the race conversation" on Facebook, Twitter and everywhere. You can start one too.

12 Things White People Can Do Now Because of Ferguson

The author posits that a lot of white people aren't speaking our publicly because they do not see a space to engage meaningfully in the conversation so that they can move to action against racism or do something that matters. The list provides 12 ways to start making a difference.

Does Race Exist

The concept of race is one of the most intellectually and emotionally charged subject, not only in society, but is science as well. The article presents different sides of the debate on whether race exists in a biologic way.

Researchers Have Been Thinking About Race All Wrong

Two Ivy League scholars say race is much more complicated than decades of social science research has acknowledged, and they are working to change that.

Thoughts from Various Religious Traditions

Talking About Race: United Methodist Church

 Why We Can't Breathe

After Ferguson and Eric Gardner Decisions, More White Christians Say It's Time to Stand with Blacks